Rainbow Serpent Cosmology
Rainbow Serpent Cosmology presents an expansive Black queer spiritual-philosophical system that is organized around 16 deity figures (or forces of nature): Geb, Maahus, Miau, Apuat, Khepera, Khonsu, Ra, Sobek, Ahi, Serq, Uatcha, Tehuti-Maa, Ptah, Hapi, Nu, and Amun. Drawing on the model of ancient Egyptian underworld texts like the Amduat and the Book of Gates, it frames the reader’s journey as a passage through twelve “gates” of revelation. Each gate explores different facets of the system, which provides particularly Black queer approaches to creation myths, understanding the natural world, ancestor veneration, shamanic astronomy, divination, theurgy, alchemy, numerology, the organization of knowledge and the political state, and much more.
What truly sets this work apart is its holistic integration of artmaking, bodily knowledge, and communal transformation. From animating statues that embody cosmic energies to incubating dreams that evoke a mode of existence before the emergence of the material world, the text is a living myth-science that calls readers into a direct encounter with the “Primordial Androgynous Blackness” at the heart of all creation. The result is a dynamic, multi-dimensional tapestry—equal parts underworld guide, visionary manifesto, and deeply personal invitation to reclaim creative, spiritual, and political power.